Does this sound like you?

“ I dream to ‘one day’ write my OWN book.

I know which learnings I want to share BUT

Why do I get STUCK when I start writing?”

There is a Proven ‘Step By Step‘ Method to Structure Your Ideas Into Your Book. Find Out HOW

(And the best part: This Method works even if you are a complete newbie at writing)

Get Answers to All Your Writing Questions and Learn The ‘Secret Sauce’ Taught By Professional Book Coaches To Their Exclusive Clients

How Will The Idea2Book Mentorship Program Help Me STRATEGISE, STRUCTURE & SHAPE my Idea into a Book?

Warning! Your Special Offer Ends In…

Friday, Feb 12, 2021 11.59 PM IST


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Warning! Your Special Offer Ends In…

Friday, Feb 12, 2021 11.59 PM IST


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When people talk to you they can feel your passion, love and knowledge for your subject. I believe, your book should bring out that element of passion and knowledge that’s truly YOU.

In the Idea2Book Mentorship, you will get the writing support and guidance to unwrap each crucial step in writing. You will learn how to make your ideas shine and work through techniques to write in your voice, tell a story and build your narrative.

Because even non-fiction has to have a storyline that compels your readers to pick up YOUR book and read it.

Your book has to be more than a simple telling of your processes and learnings.

You need to tell your story in a way, that your ideas connect at a deeper level…just like when you converse with your clients and have them nodding in agreement with your views. Finding out how to get your readers to nod in agreement as they read your book is the ‘secret’ of good writing and in the Idea2Book Mentorship Program, you will learn how to implement it.

How Do I Know ALL this?

Hello! My name is Nishka Rathi…

I Learnt Writing the Hard Way- Without Any Support

When I started writing in 2008, I had no certificate to prove that I was a writer, I had not attended any writing course nor did I know anyone who was a writer…

I was an ex-banker with a degree in Finance and Marketing who didn’t want to work as a banker anymore…

The only thing other than Finance that I thought I knew were books… because while growing up I don’t remember if I was ever without a book. I didn’t know it then, but I was getting an ‘education.’

And I have always been curious about learning new things…

My curiosity helped me deliver on diverse requirements.

Over the years, as I worked and learnt the skills of writing, I created—

blog posts for corporates, whitepapers (which if you really look objectively are short-form corporate stories with the narrative of ‘how we are awesome for you’), advertising copy and even seven books…

I wrote for different niches from finance to Quality and even law.

Each project taught me a new aspect of writing and that’s when I decided to become a book coach and start teaching coaches and consultants like you the best way to write their ideas in a book.

Because there is one thing I have learnt…

And I have always been curious about learning new things…

My curiosity helped me deliver on diverse requirements.

Over the years, as I worked and learnt the skills of writing, I created—

blog posts for corporates, whitepapers (which if you really look objectively are short-form corporate stories with the narrative of ‘how we are awesome for you’), advertising copy and even seven books…

I wrote for different niches from finance to Quality and even law.

Each project taught me a new aspect of writing and that’s when I decided to become a book coach and start teaching coaches and consultants like you the best way to write their ideas in a book.

Because there is one thing I have learnt…

Writing a Book is not a Linear Process

When I work as a book architect, I help my authors by writing the book of their dreams in 4 simple stages through my Immersive Ghostwriting Process.

I manage the behind-the-scenes chaos of writing for them.

Yes. The non-linear nature of writing combined with the sheer time it takes to write a book as compared to an article or a speech, makes many new writers like you, feel demotivated and stuck.


• because you have a wealth of expertise to share

• because you expect perfection very soon in the writing process

• because you are looking at the wrong direction while creating your book structure

Let’s unpack the first reason…

Why Sharing Everything You Know Is Not a Good Idea?

Often first-time authors feel they have to address all the problems in one-go to showcase their expertise.

Writing everything you know is hard…

• It is hard for you as the writer because there are many perspectives and ideas to cover

• It’s hard for your reader because they have to assimilate so much in one book.

Think about it…

You learnt all these ideas one by one. If you share your lifetime’s learning in one book, it will become too hard to read/implement for your reader.

“But which idea should I write about first?”

In Idea2Book Mentorship you will learn how to choose your best idea for a book and structure it in a way that reveals your in-depth expertise.

Why Sharing Everything You Know Is Not a Good Idea?

Often first-time authors feel they have to address all the problems in one-go to showcase their expertise.

Writing everything you know is hard…

• It is hard for you as the writer because there are many perspectives and ideas to cover

• It’s hard for your reader because they have to assimilate so much in one book.

Think about it…

You learnt all these ideas one by one. If you share your lifetime’s learning in one book, it will become too hard to read/implement for your reader.

“But which idea should I write about first?”

In Idea2Book Mentorship you will learn how to choose your best idea for a book and structure it in a way that reveals your in-depth expertise.

Sneak Peek into the 8 Week Idea2Book Mentorship Program

Welcome to the writing journey. Writing helps us connect to a deeper part of us…it is a wonderful exploration and the best part is that you are not doing it solo!

The first week is about getting to know you, your goals and your dreams for your book. I believe dreams are important because they help us create our goals and start our journey. But to avoid overwhelm, we also need to know which dreams are attainable Now and which need some time.

This week, we will also start our understanding of how to walk through the chaos of writing. I am there with you every step of the way!

This week we will go deeper into your book idea. We will take a more objective look at your book because this is not just any non-fiction book, it is going to be your platform to build your audience and grow your business. We need to understand it from a different angle.

I will also share exercises and techniques which will help you create a book idea that makes your book readable, full of your expertise and interesting for the reader.

“I want my book to stand out in my niche.”

Yes! we can plan how to make your book special and No—it doesn’t mean that you have to find a never before explored niche;)

In this week, I will share the proven way I have learnt to make a book stand out. It’s not about marketing either…

The fourth week is about implementation and getting back on track if you’ve missed some of the tasks. We uncovered a lot of things in the earlier weeks and now we need to catch our breath!

We will have hot-seat sessions during this week’s live call to help you where you are stuck. You can individually block your space for 15 minutes.

This week, we crystalise the idea of your book. You can actually see how your book structure has become sharper and more laser-focussed. You will be able to describe your book well and map it out in detail. Yes! Your dream is turning into reality…Keep at it.

This week, we turn our magnifying glass on your structure. You will work out your chapters and sections. See how specific you can get.

This is the best way to tell that muse, who refuses to come at your beckoning that you are ready to write whether she shows up or not!

Implementation Week!

Let’s gather around and see what we have achieved. Look back and see where you are lagging, come for the weekly call and if you want specific advice, book your hot seat session. Your ‘general’ idea should be granular and specific by now.

Remember we spoke about our dreams for your book earlier and I said we will leave some dreams for later. ‘What to do after you write your book?’ is what we discuss in this week.

Dreams have a way of coming true if you plan for them!

How Do I Access the Idea2Book Mentorship Program?

Seeing is Doing

I have created short videos which break down the writing process into easy to follow steps. These videos will tell you a task or explain an idea. Listen to them and do the task for the day. You can even write down all the tasks in one notebook. That way you can easily look back and see what you wrote down earlier. It will help you link the dots faster.

Let’s Talk

When you start doing the tasks, there is no doubt that you will have lots of questions. I will answer them in the Facebook group I have created just for this mentorship program, but asking questions directly is always helpful. Every Friday I will hold a one-hour live session to discuss your doubts and show you just how we will create your book! 

Together We Will

I believe that there is no unique problem, we all face different versions of the same. That’s why working in a group helps. We can learn from each other and see how others deal with the same writing blocks. My Idea2Book Mentorship Tribe on FaceBook will be a place to give strength and support to each other on our writing journey. Look forward to seeing you there..

Supportive Listening

We all need some extra words of guidance and support. I will give 15 minutes of hot seat sessions during the implementation weeks.

Speak out.

Tell me what exactly is bothering you and what is stopping you from achieving your goal. Remember this journey is not yours alone. We are together and I am ready to listen and support you.


I had a session with Nishka yesterday, we went through how I should decide what I will write about the approach to use as well as the action steps I need to take to get there. Certainly well worth your time I recommend anyone to take her up on her offer.

Paul Palmer, Director Pharmaceutical Quality Consultant

From understanding a completely new subject to capturing my voice while ‘ghosting’ my book- Nishka displayed rare professionalism and commitment. She worked sincerely through the whole project and helped me create a book that captures my essential discoveries.

A first time author, in an interesting domain (NDA applies)

Nishka got me to look at my big why for writing the book. She provided suggestions and we fleshed out a plan and a structure for moving forwards. She had a lovely way with her and was very knowledgeable putting forward lots of different ideas of how things would work, for writing, publishing and also marketing the book.
I now have a structure and a plan I can follow to move forward and get the book written and published. I’m feeling really confident about getting it finished now which I wasn’t before the start of the session.

Sharon Little, Law of Attraction Coach

When we started working on the book #ChangeStartsYoung, we were very keen on including stories of young changemakers in a way that they were very attractive for young readers. Nishka with her immense talent with words worked closely with our team to craft the right stories, define the tone of the stories and make the content engaging. She was able to distil the stories to crisp and compelling stories.

It was a pleasure working with her and would love to work with her again

Dr. Ashwin Naik, Healthcare Entrepreneur

I had a power hour session with Nishka yesterday. Within an hour she gave me such a wealth of information about the whole writing business that it would have taken me several days of digging around to find it. She also walked me through why I “should write” a book rather than “not write one”. This decision of writing vs not writing was what had led me to her in the first place.
Went a step further and narrowed down topics and outlines for a short book and also discussed how a short book can be useful for my therapy and coaching business. She was thorough and professional in her approach, at the same time it was very easy to follow what she was telling and recommending.
I would definitely recommend her to anyone who is thinking of, or wanting to write a book.

Dr. Tarique Sani, Chief Psychotherapist-Rational Redo

Nishka has a wealth of experience in book writing, as a coach she understands the challenges that writers face and comes up with very effective solutions. She can help you develop your ideas and get clarity on how to start, develop on the contents and structure the book. I am very happy and thankful to Nishka for taking genuine interest and helping me get started with my project.

Would definitely recommend Nishka as a coach if you are planning to write a book and see your dream becoming a reality.

Neetu Chakravorty, Learning Coach

Get Support For Your Writing Journey

It’s Your Story…Make It Shine!

Are These Thoughts Stopping You?
Let’s Talk

I am too busy to do an 8 week program. Will I be able to finish it?

I hear you. We are all juggling multiple things at this point in our lives. This program is designed for busy professionals. That’s why we have short video sessions, only weekly one-hour lives and implementation weeks. Everything will be recorded so that you can always access them even if you miss the sessions.

Will I be able to complete the program in 8 weeks?

The program is designed for 8 weeks, but even if you are not able to complete it in 8 weeks, you are part of my FaceBook group for a year.

You get access to all the videos, live sessions and templates for life.

Plus, I plan to launch this program at least 2-3 times a year. While you are in the FaceBook group, you will be part of those other launches too and can catch up wherever you missed.

How do I ensure my ideas are not taken by another?

The Idea2Book Mentorship Program is about creating a strong structure for your book. You don’t need to share your ideas in detail at all. I will talk about how to think through your ideas and see them from different perspectives.

What happens after a year?

You get access to my FaceBook group for a year. If you want to stay in the group, you can. Just pay a small monthly fee.

I find the payment too high.

This is a hard one for me to answer. The fact is you can always compare the prices, and I can say I am sharing my wealth of experience but the final decision has to be yours because you know what works best for you and when.I conduct a 1-2-1 mentorship program with authors where I provide developmental edits too and it is priced much higher because of the amount of time and work it demands. This program is designed for a group and so I have slashed the rates by a lot.

On my writing journey, I have learnt that every book has a time. You might know everything worth sharing but there is a time when you finally stop thinking about writing and just sit down and write.

Some people write books in their 30s and some in their 60s. There is no right or wrong time. You see what time, what support, what approach works best for you because it’s your book and your idea.

Frequently Asked questions and Answers

Idea2Book is a group program and I will go according to defined modules per week.

There will not be 1:1 coaching or developmental editing support.

But what you will get is live Q&A sessions- one per week where everyone can ask their queries and doubts. If you have more doubts you can also ask for the ‘hot seat’ where you will get 15 minutes to find answers specific to you. The number of ‘hot seat sessions’ have still to be planned.

Absolutely. I believe the fastest way to do the things you don’t think can be done, is to hang around with the people already wanting to do them too.

Community and accountability are a huge part of making any change. Our private Facebook group will be a great tool for connecting with members who are finding the best way to write their authoritative book.

The Idea2Book mentorship program is delivered primarily through video sessions. There will also be worksheets and templates for you to fill in order to find the best way to write your learnings. I will also have FB live sessions to talk to all of the participants and address their doubts as we move through each week’s module.

Most of the material will be available to you in the group in the Units section and you look at them at your own convenience too.

The Mentorship Program takes 8 weeks, but you will be a part of the FB group for a year. I plan to launch the course every 3 months and the modules will re-start after 8 weeks.

In terms of time per day, I will send you short (max 10 mins long) videos, to explain a step or a task for the day and then you will complete them. The tasks are important and will help you crystalise your idea.

You would need to take time out in the day (45 mins to an hour depending on you) to do some of the tasks.

We also have implementation weeks to help you get back on track and complete some of the unfinished tasks.

The Mentorship Program will be uploaded in the Units section of the Facebook group. So if you miss a part, you can always check it out later. Even in the live Q&A sessions, you can ask doubts from earlier sessions… it’s ok.

We are all doing multiple things in a day and have to fulfil different responsibilities.

This course and the group will be available to you for a year. After that I still have to decide, maybe at a small monthly fee, you can stay in the group.

The whole idea of the Idea2Book Mentorship Program is to get you on the writing track. I am here to break down the process into small do-able steps and to support you in your writing journey. But you have to put in the work, do the tasks and WRITE.

To ensure commitment and value for time, I want only those people who really want to convert their ideas into a book. So the answer is NO. There is no refund and if you decide on the part payment route, you still have to pay the entire amount, even if you stop participating or doing the tasks.

I am looking for people who are serious about their dream because I will be rooting for them throughout their journey!

Under Indian law, I pay GST of 18% and every transaction with an Indian citizen requires payment of GST. The amount is paid to the government. In the buttons for Indian citizens I have already added the 18% to the payment amount.

If you or your company pays GST you can easily claim it.

My GST no is 27AKQPK4292G1ZQ

If you have any more queries, do write in at and I will check with my CA for further details.

How Will The Idea2Book Mentorship Program Help Me STRATEGISE, STRUCTURE & SHAPE my Idea into a Book?

Are you from India? Use the payment buttons below to sign up!
(I pay GST and by law, have to charge Indian citizens the same.)

Warning! Your Special Offer Ends In…

Friday, Feb 12, 2021 11.59 PM IST


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